Academic Development

Faculty certification process
Textbook reviews
​Learning outcomes development
Program descriptions
Degree completion plans Professional advisory committees Academic advising/mentoring Assessment of student learning
Data collection and analysis
Curriculum design and development
​Prior learning assessment
​Program development and review

We specialize in institutional operations, academic affairs, organizational management, strategic planning, assessment, student services, curriculum development, and online course management services tailored to your institutional or business needs.

Our staff is comprised of professional experts from the preschool, K-12, and higher education sectors. We focus on providing innovative unique services and utilizing practices that result in positive outcomes for students, administration, staff, faculty and your institution. At Culbreth, Jung & Severino, we understand and value providing quality services in a cost effective manner.

Survey Development and Administration 

Data collection, analysis and reports
Student satisfaction surveys
Faculty needs assessment
Alumni surveys
Program surveys
Institutional surveys
Campus climate surveys

Middles States
Institutional assessment
Guiding accreditation processes
​Academic and non-academic assessment plans
Assessment training courses
​Data driven processes

Education Division 

Organizational Management and Development

Institutional operations
Departmental organization
Academic and institutional audits
Academic program evaluations
Change management
Collecting, analyzing and reporting data
Cultural competency development
Faculty recruitment
Organizational development
Organizational management
Policies, processes and procedures development
Professional Development
​Program development
Project management
Presentations and webinars
Strategic Planning

Student Services

Institutional Services

Culbreth, Jung  & Severino


Student Retention Services

Safety Nets Retention Efforts (SNRE)
Early identification of “at risk” students
Academic mentoring and coaching
Student success initiatives
The Student SWOT Analysis
Midterm improvement strategies

Career Planning and Development

Career coaching and mentoring
Mentoring programs
Resume writing workshops
Internship program development
Interviewing techniques
Career development plans
Dressing for success


The Five "D" Plan for Student Success
Effective Time Management
Developing Lifelong Learning Skills
The Culbreth CLARE Concept
Dare to Dream
Developing Study Skills
Critical Thinking in a Nutshell
Passion Writing
College Level Writing
Avoid Plagiarism
Accountability and Responsibility
The Leadership Challenge
​Academic SWOT Development and Analysis
​Business Writing
APA Writing Style in a Nutshell
Conducting Online Research
Writing Quality Prior Learning Assessment Essays
​Degree Plan Rationale Essay Development
Research Methodologies
Writing Literature Reviews
Survey Development and Administration
Data Collection and Analysis
The Research Proposal
Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Embracing Diversity